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Efforts to liberate the three foreign hostages will remain constant (statement

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Shaheed Al Hafed (Saharawi refugee camps), Oct 24, 2011 (SPS) - The Saharawi government said that the efforts to liberate the hostages and ensure their safety as to capture the terrorists “will remain constant,” calling for the intensification of efforts and cooperation to end the tragedy of the kidnapped, declared Monday the Saharawi Ministry of Information.

“Since the treacherous kidnapping carried out by a terrorist group on three European cooperators working in the humanitarian field in the Saharawi refugee camps on Saturday October 22, the government of the Saharawi Republic and Polisario Front quickly made intensive efforts and contacted with countries of the Region to coordination and cooperation,” indicated a new statement issued Monday by the Saharawi Ministry of Information.

“While the Sahrawi Government reaffirms its strong condemnation to the cowardly abduction, it calls on states of the region and the world to continue and intensify the coordination, cooperation and working together in order to end this tragedy, as soon as possible,” the statement wrote.

“The Saharawi authorities emphasizes that such terrorist attack not only aims to terrorize humanitarian aid workers, but to jeopardize the international solidarity with the Saharawi refugees and their just cause,” noted the statement, expressing solidarity and sympathy with the victims and their families.

According to a statement issued Saturday by the Saharawi Ministry of Information, three hostages who were kidnapped Saturday midnight by terrorist group in the Saharawi refugee camps are: Ms AINOA FERNADEZ DE RINCÓN, Spanish and member of the Association of Friends of the Sahrawi people in Extremadura, Spain, Mr. ENRIC GONYALONS, Spanish from the NGO, MUNDUBAT, Spain, and Ms. ROSSELLA URRU, Italian from the NGO, CISP, Italy. (SPS)
