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It is not just that EU puts its own interests over principles of human rights and international law (Danish organization

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Copenhagen, Oct 23, 2011 (SPS) - The Danish People’s Movement against the EU has noted that with regard to the Western Sahara “it's not just in relation to these countries that the EU puts its own interests over principles of human rights, international law and peace,” pointing out to 2011 extension of fisheries agreements with Morocco.

In a dispatch published Saturday on some Danish websites, the People's Movement explained that Denmark actively fought against this fisheries agreement, reaffirming it “will continue to focus on Western Sahara.”

During its 2010 congress, the Movement has approved a resolution on Western Sahara urging Denmark to “put the UN peace work in Western Sahara above the interests of the EU”, adding that the EU acts as if Western Saharan territorial waters are Moroccan shows that the union “sets its own economic interests above global peace work.”

“Norway and EFTA have dismissed a fishing agreement with Morocco that included Western Saharan waters, something that Denmark should also have done even though we are a member of the EU.” It added.

The resolution indicated that Morocco “has no right to sell Western Sahara’s natural resources before they have had such a referendum,” explaining that “the EU has no right to purchase something the seller does not own, as this is akin to dealing in stolen goods.”

The People’s Movement National Congress demanded its government to vote against a renewal of the fishing agreement between Morocco and EU that ends in March 2011.

The Danish People’s Movement against the EU has just launched a Campaign raises three key criticisms of the EU that will run throughout the year under the title “the world is bigger than Europe”. (SPS)
