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Polisario Front demands an international condemnation to the abduction of three foreign aid workers in the Saharawi refugee camps

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Shaheed Al Hafed (Saharawi refugee camps), Oct 23, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, has demanded an international condemnation to the abduction of three foreign aid workers in the Saharawi refugee camps by armed group, in a letter addressed Sunday to the UN Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon.

“At the time we express our absolute confidence that such disgraceful act would not have an effect on the humanitarian and solidarity principled noble work played by those organizations, associations and persons, we ask, before these serious developments, the international community to speedily condemn this cowardly attack and to assistance, sympathy and standing in the side of the Saharawi people and Polisario Front in the face of such terrorist act,” wrote the President Mohamed Abdelaziz.

The letter considered that such attack on safe camps co-residence by defenseless Saharawi refugees along with representatives of international associations and NGOs working in the humanitarian field aims to “intimidate of the foreign collaborators as to tighten the noose on the Saharawi people and deprive them of the humanitarian aids.”

“The Saharawi Republic has taken the necessary measures and has contacted the neighboring countries and all parties concerned in order to make every possible effort to chase the kidnappers and liberate the kidnapped,” added Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, stressing that the Saharawi Republic, which is associated with the AU Treaty on Counterterrorism, “reaffirmed its durable willingness with the international community to eradicate this international serious and outcast phenomena.”

In a statement issued Sunday by the Saharawi Ministry of Information, a terrorist group was abducted three foreign aid workers overnight from the central foreigners’ reception in the Saharawi refugee camps.

The statement identifies the hostages as the Spanish woman Ainhoa Fernandez Rincon, member of the Association of Freiendship with the Saharawi people in Extremadura, Spanish man Enrico Gonyans, member of the Spanish NGO MUNUPAT, Rossella Urru, who works for the Italian Committee for the Development of Peoples (CISP).

It also indicated that the armed attackers have carried out the kidnapping process using four-wheel drive vehicles on Saturday midnight Oct 22, 2011 before leaving in the direction of neighboring Mali “from where they came.” (SPS)
