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Spanish lawyers prevented from visiting Saharawi political prisoners in Sale’s jail

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Sale (Morocco), Oct 15, 2011 (SPS) - The Moroccan authorities prevented Friday two Spanish lawyers from visiting the Saharawi human rights activist, political detainee and President of the Committee of Support UN Peace Plan and the Protection of Natural Resources of Western Sahara, Sidi Ahmed Lamjeid, in the Moroccan prison of Sale.

Sale’s administration refused the request of the Spanish lawyers, Candela Carrera and Andres Marin, to visit the human rights activist without offering an excuse.

On other hand, the Saharawi political detainee, Larousi Lamgeimad, before the investigating judge of the so-called Moroccan military court of Rabat.

The Saharawi prisoner denied all the charged against him, confirming that his presence in Gdeim Izik camp “was in peaceful way in demanding just and legitimate rights along with thousands of the Saharawis exodus.” (SPS)
