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Saharawi Republic categorically denies allegations of involvement in conflict in Libya

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Addis Ababa, July 10, 2011 (SPS) - The Saharawi Republic has categorically denied allegations quoted by U.S. media about involvement of members of the Polisario Front in the ongoing conflict in Libya, renewing its support, as a Member State of the African Union, to Libya's unity and territorial integrity.

In a statement, the Ambassador of the Sahrawi Republic to Ethiopia and the African Union, Dr. Sidi M. Omar, described these allegations as baseless saying "these unfounded allegations emanate from those quarters that have vested interest in discrediting our liberation movement," challenging all those parties that propagate these kinds of preposterous accusations "to bring forth any evidence in their possession to prove their claims."

He added that the position of the Saharawi Republic (SADR), as a founding Member State of the African Union, as to the on-going conflict in Libya "stems from the same policy of the African Union, and thus it has publicly reaffirmed its strong commitment to the respect for the unity and territorial integrity of Libya as well as its full support for the efforts deployed by the AU High‐Level ad‐hoc Committee on Libya." (SPS)