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President Mohamed Abdelaziz participates in opening session of EU summit

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Malabo (Equatorial Guinea), June 30, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz took part, Thursday, in the opening session of the 17th ordinary conference of the African Union (AU) from 30 June to 1 July in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.

The summit opened with a moment of silence in memory of two former heads of state who died this year, Frederick Chiluba of Zambia and Ange-Felix Patasse of the Central African Republic.

The AU Conference,  under the motto “Accelerate the Youth’s Skill for the Sustainable Development”, expects to discuss the reports on state of peace and security in Africa and the UN Reforms.

Libyan chaos, Western Sahara cause and Somalia are expected to dominate the two-day meeting alongside with the continent economic crises.

The summit will adopt the decisions and recommendations of the report suggested by AU Executive Council in it is ordinary session.

The report included paragraph on the situation in Western Sahara, where it affirmed the AU position towards Saharawi cause in support of self-determination referendum in Western Sahara in order to reach to a peaceful solution in accordance with the international legality.

The President of the Republic arrived Wednesday to Malabo.
