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Experience of Saharawi Refugees subject of seminar in Geneva

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Geneva, June26, 2011(SPS) in the headquarters of UNHCR in Geneva a seminar about the Saharawi refugees (experience and challenges) was organized by the Center for  Studies on Refugees of the British University of Oxford.   

The seminar was attended by president of the Saharawi Red Croissant, Buhabaine Yahya, and many personalities involving in the affairs of the refugees around the world.

The researcher, Ilena Alkasmi, presented a study about the experience of the Saharawi refugees and options to improve their situation followed by several interventions focused on Saharawi experience especially the participation of the Saharawi woman and her leading role in the Saharawi society in addition to thegovernance model adopted by the Saharawi authoritiesin   the Saharawi refugee camps and liberated zone.

The Director of Office for   North Africa and the Middle East in UNHCR, Mr. Jacopo Alhilu, confirmed commitment of his organization to continue support the Saharawi refugees in all fields, appreciating this initiative that would contribute to aware international society on the suffering of the Saharawi Refugees.(SPS)
