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President of Republic draws attention of Ban ki-moon about Morocco intentions to include Western Sahara in its constitutional reforms

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Bir Lehlou( liberated territories) June24,2011(SPS) President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, Friday, drew attention of Secretary General of the United Nations , Ban Ki-moon, about Moroccan intentions to include the  occupied territories of Western Sahara in the ongoing  Moroccan constitutional reforms.

“I would like to address to you this letter to draw your attention to the intentions of the Moroccan Government to implement some political decisions concerning the constitutional reforms in Morocco, in which it also intends to include Western Sahara that is under the illegal occupation of the Kingdom of Morocco.” The president writes to Ban ki-moon.

“Western Sahara is not a Moroccan territory, and it is listed by the United Nations as a Non-Self-Governing Territory pending decolonization. Its final legal status can be determined only by the Sahrawi people themselves through a free, fair and just referendum on self-determination conducted under the supervision of the United Nations.”

“It is the Moroccan occupation that has so far impeded the exercise by the Sahrawi people of this inalienable and internationally recognized right. As you have pointed out in your latest report to the Security Council, there can be no solution to the Sahrawi-Moroccan conflict without full respect for the will and sentiments of the Sahrawi people,”

“The Frente POLISARIO, the sole and legitimate representative of the Sahrawi people and the partner in the peace process negotiations, which are conducted under the auspices of your Personal Envoy, Mr. Christopher Ross, renews its categorical rejection of the arbitrary and forced involvement of the occupied territories of Western Sahara in a Moroccan internal exercise that does not concern the Sahrawis at all.”

Below is the full text of the letter as reached SPS

Mr. Ban Ki-moon,

Secretary-General of the United Nations

New York

Bir Lehlou, 24 June 2011

Mr Secretary-General,

I would like to address to you this letter to draw your attention to the intentions of the Moroccan Government to implement some political decisions concerning the constitutional reforms in Morocco, in which it also intends to include Western Sahara that is under the illegal occupation of the Kingdom of Morocco.

Western Sahara is not a Moroccan territory, and it is listed by the United Nations as a Non-Self-Governing Territory pending decolonization. Its final legal status can be determined only by the Sahrawi people themselves through a free, fair and just referendum on self-determination conducted under the supervision of the United Nations.

It is the Moroccan occupation that has so far impeded the exercise by the Sahrawi people of this inalienable and internationally recognized right. As you have pointed out in your latest report to the Security Council, there can be no solution to the Sahrawi-Moroccan conflict without full respect for the will and sentiments of the Sahrawi people, and that any agreement or settlement that does not take this into account will only engender more tension and instability in the region.

Mr. Secretary-General,

By engaging in such provocative operation, the Kingdom of Morocco only persists in its policy of intransigence and obstruction to the efforts deployed by the United Nations with a view to bringing to conclusion the decolonization of Western Sahara.

The Frente POLISARIO, the sole and legitimate representative of the Sahrawi people and the partner in the peace process negotiations, which are conducted under the auspices of your Personal Envoy, Mr. Christopher Ross, renews its categorical rejection of the arbitrary and forced involvement of the occupied territories of Western Sahara in a Moroccan internal exercise that does not concern the Sahrawis at all.

It also condemns these unilateral political decisions taken by the Kingdom of Morocco, which cannot have any legal implications that may affect directly or indirectly the final status of Western Sahara.

The Frente POLISARIO therefore calls on the United Nations to take all necessary measures to urge the Kingdom of Morocco to desist from making such move that constitutes an infringement on the internationally recognised borders and a flagrant violation of the Charter and resolution of the United Nations and international law.

I would appreciate it if Your Excellency would bring the present letter to the attention of all members of the Security Council.

Please accept, Mr Secretary-General, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Mohamed Abdelaziz,

Secretary-General of the Frente POLISARIO. (SPS)
