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Ms. Makina Zanella: "The position of South Africa for independence of Western Sahara will remain the same with the change of government in our country"

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Algiers, June 22, 2011 (SPS) - "The position of South Africa for independence of Western Sahara will remain the same with the change of government in our country," said Ms. Makina Zanella, North Africa director at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Africa at the meeting Tuesday in Algiers, of the Algeria- South Africa Coordination as part of the preparations for the tripartite meeting of the Movement of Solidarity with the Saharawi people scheduled for September which will include Nigeria.

She explained that the support of the peoples of Africa remains important alongside that of their governments, which sometimes adopt attitudes that do not help the Saharawi people.

"The independence of Western Sahara is a legitimate right of the Saharawi people," added the South African diplomat, who recalled his country's commitment to the decolonization of the country, invaded by Morocco since 1975 after the departure of former Spanish colonizer.

Ms. Zanella also lamented that the Saharawi people was abandoned in the middle of the desert for years, as well as reminding some Western powers of their duty to decide in favor of the independence of Western Sahara. (SPS)
