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Death of Saharawi worker in Landmine Action due to unexploded remnants of war

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Lajwad (liberated territories) June 20, 2010 (SPS) - The Saharawi worker in the British Landmine Action’s organization in Western Sahara, Mr. Sidi Mohamed Mohamed Bouzaid, died Saturday during his duties, due to unexploded remnants goes back to the period of war between the Polisario Front and Morocco, according to a source in the Organization.

In a letter of condolence to the deceased’s family reached SPS, Field Director of Landmine Action Mr. Ahmed Sidi Ali said “the death was a result of deadly work accident.”

The accident is the first of its kind, since the Organization began its work in Western Sahara on August 2006.

Landmine Action is working, in cooperation with the MINURSO and Polisario Front, to monitor and clearance the areas contaminated by mines and explosive remnants.

According to the UN Mine Action Service, Western Sahara is among the most affected territories by mines and items of unexploded ordnance in the world, including cluster munitions.

Landmine and cluster bombs leave large numbers of deaths and victims. In addition, it hinders safe movement throughout Western Sahara for people and sheep.

It is worth noting that the deceased joined the Mine Action Programme in Western Sahara in 2006, before he became later the leader of the team in charge of the disposal of explosive remnants of war. (SPS)
