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Mourad Medelci: Algeria for solution that guarantee right of Saharawi people to self-determination

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Algiers, May 30, 2011 (SPS) - The Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mourad Medelci, affirmed Sunday that Algeria is committed to support a solution that guarantee the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination in accordance with the international legitimacy.

In a speech on the occasion of Africa’s Day, Mr. Medelci expressed hope that the negotiations between the Polisario Front and Morocco “quickly lead to a just, durable and mutually aceptable political solution consistent with resolutions of the UN Security Council, that would allow for the Saharawi people to exercise its right of self-determination freely.”

He also regretted that the conflict in Western Sahara has been long-standing, noting that the efforts undertaken by the UN Secretary General’s Personal Envoy for Western Sahara, Mr Christopher Ross, helped to revive the negotiating process between the Polisario Front and Moroccoin in an informal. (SPS)

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