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July 2015

Kerry Kennedy reveals gross human rights violations in occupied Western Sahara

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London, July 24, 2015 (SPS) - The President of Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights, Ms. Kerry Kennedy, has published an article on the Guardian highlighting large-scale Moroccan human rights violations against the Saharawi people, focusing in particular on the case of Mohamed Lamine Haidala, who was assassinated by Moroccan settlers.

Ambassador in South Africa attends Patrick Balika memorial

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Johannesburg, July 23, 2015 (SPS) - Ambassador in South Africa, Mr. Salha Abd, participated Wednesday in the official memorial ceremony of the late South African freedom fighter and friend of the Saharawi people, Patrick Balika, who passed away on 16 July 2015.

The ceremony attended by members of the diplomatic corps accredited to South Africa as well as prestigious political and cultural figures.

Death of Saharawi citizen and her unborn baby at Marrakech University Hospital

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Marrakech (Morocco), July 23, 2015 (SPS) - Saharawi citizen, Fatimatu Sakali, and her unborn baby were died on 9 July 2015 due to medical negligence she experienced at the University Hospital of Marrakech, said CODEA.

Fatimatu had waited the doctor specialized in childbirth at the so-called Hassan II hospital in TanTan for more than 15 hours, before being transferred in a very critical condition to Guleimim and then to Marrakech where she died.

President of Republic congratulates Equatorial Guinea counterpart on success of Ebola Summit

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Malabo, July 23, 2015 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz on Wednesday congratulated his counterpart of Equatorial Guinea, Mr. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, for the successful hosting of the International Conference on Africa’s Fight against Ebola, held in Malabo on July 20-21.

Moroccan authorities arrest Saharawi human rights defender

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Dajla (occupied territories), July 23, 2015 (SPS) - Moroccan occupying authorities on Wednesday arrested for the second the Saharawi activist and defender of human rights, Khaled Amimu, in the occupied Saharawi city of Dajla, said a source from the Ministry of Occupied Territories and Diaspora.

For the source, the activist came out of his house to fix some administrative documents, but he did return.

Khaled Amimu arrested on the ground of a search and arrest warrant issued against him on 2 May 2015.

Nigeria Ruling Party voices support to Saharawi’s freedom and independence

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Abuja, July 23, 2015 (SPS) - President of the All Progressives Congress (ruling party), John Odigie Oyegun, has expressed support to the struggle of Saharawi people for freedom and independence, adding that such position is “a continuation of Nigeria’s tradition and history of support to liberation issues in Africa.”

Algeria, Spain continue to support UN special envoy for Western Sahara

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Madrid, July 22, 2015 (SPS) - Algeria and Spain on Tuesday expressed, in the final communique of the 6th Algerian-Spanish high-level meeting, support to the United Nations-led efforts for a just and final acceptable political solution to the conflict of Western Sahara.

The two sides renewed support to the UN-led efforts for a just and final acceptable political solution that guarantee the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination in accordance with UN Charter and resolutions.

Health Minister meets African counterparts at Malabo Ebola conference

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Malabo, July 21, 2015 (SPS) - The Minister of Public Health Mr. Mohamed Lamine Daddi, who represented the President of the Republic Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz at the International Conference on Africa’s Fight Against Ebola held in Equatorial Guinea on July 20-21, has meet with various African counterparts, heads of delegations and prestigious personalities attending the event.

Frente Polisario condemns terrorist attack against Algerian soldiers

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), July 21, 2015 (SPS) - The Frente Polisario has strongly condemned the coward terrorist attack carried out against elements of Algerian Army in the province of Ain Defla on Friday, the first day of Eid al-Fitr.

In a statement concluded a meeting of its Bureau, the National Secretariat of the Frente Polisario expressed sympathy with families of the victims, voicing solidarity with Algeria’s efforts to eradicate the last remnants of despicable terrorism.

Summer University of Sahrawi Cadres starts next Saturday in Boumerdès

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Chahid El Hafed, July 21, 2015 (SPS)- the Summer University of Saharawi Republic’s Cadres is expected to start its works next Saturday in the Algerian City of Boumerdès, with the participation of more than  400 Polisario Front and Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic’s cadres, coming from the refugee camps, occupied territories of Western Sahara and Diaspora, in addition to activists of Sahrawi civil society.


SADR condemns San Leon Energy drilling plans

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Bir Lehlou (Liberated Zones), 20 July, 2015 (SPS) – The Government of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), on behalf of the Saharawi people, strongly condemns the announced plans by Irish company San Leon Energy to commence drilling the onshore Tarfaya well, El Aaiun-4 in the occupied Territory of Western Sahara, in a letter from President of the Saharawi Oil and Mines Authority Dr. Zbeir Ghali, to Company Executive Chairman Mr. M. Oisin Fanning.  


Minister of Public Health represents President of Republic in AU Summit on Ebola

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Malabo (Equatorial Guinea) July 20, 2015 (SPS) - Minister of Public Health Mr. Mohamed Lemine daddi is representing President of the Repubic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, in the African Union summit on the fight against Ebola virus on July 20 - 21 the capital of Equatorial Guinea, Malabo.


Sahrawi ambassador received by Nigerian president

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 Abuja, July 20, 2015 (SPS) - Saharawi Ambassador to Nigeria, Chief of the diplomatic corps accredited in Abuja, Mr. Abbi Bashir Bushraya, was received Thursday by the Nigerian President, Mr. Mohamado Buhari, at the headquarters of the Nigerian presidency.


Sahrawi delegation received by Slovenian President

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Ljubljana, 19 July 2015 (SPS) - A delegation of Sahrawi Youth Union (UJSARIO) was received Saturday by the President of Slovenia, Mr. Borut Pahor.


The meeting was an opportunity for the delegation to inform the Slovenian President on the latest developments related to the question of Western Sahara and the determination of the Saharawi people to achieve their inalienable right to freedom and independence.


Western Sahara: EU backs UN efforts to settle conflict with Morocco

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Brussels (Belgium), 18 July 2015 (SPS) - European Union (EU) supports UN efforts to reach a solution to Western Sahara conflict based on Saharawi people's right to self-determination, and intends no action undermining those efforts, said Federica Mogherini, the EU high representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, vice-president of the European Commission, cited by the media on Saturday.


President of Republic performs Eid al-Fitr prayer in Wilaya of Smara

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Smara (Refugee Camps), 18 July 2015 (SPS) The President of the Republic, Secretary General  of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, performed Friday Eid al-Fitr prayer at in the Wilaya of Smara, in the presence of members of the Polisario Front National Secretariat of, SADR Government and citizens of the Wilaya that marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan.


President of Republic felicitates Nigerian counterpart on Eid al-Fitr

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Birlehlu (Liberated Zones) July 17, 2015 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, felicitated his Nigerian counterpart, Mohamado Buhari, in a letter Friday on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr.