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June 2015

Hunger strike in support of Tekber Hedi

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Huelva, 21 June 2015 (SPS) - A group of personalities, supporters and people of the solidarity movement initiated Friday a symbolic hunger strike to express their support and solidarity to Tekber Hedi.


The initiative was promoted by a group of persons such as Teresa Rodriguez, deputy in Andalusia, Miguel Urbán, MEP or Noemi Santana, Canary parliament; all of them are from Podemos Party.


The participants will wage a hunger strike for 24 hours in solidarity with Tekber Hedi who demands justice for her son. SPS



Arrival of first group of Saharawi children in Rome to spend their holidays in Italy

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Rome (Italy), 21 June 2015 (SPS) - The first group of Saharawi children arrived Saturday in Rome to spend their holidays in Italy, in the framework of Holidays in Peace program, said a statement of the Polisario Front Representation in Italy.


 The group of 16 children and their monitors were greeted at the airport in Rome by the Association of Friendship with the Saharawi People "senza confini Bambini" (Children without borders) in the region of Naples.


Morocco has no desire to “resolve or even engage on the question of Western Sahara through a genuine negotiating process (UN)

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Chahid El Hafedh, 21/06/2015 (SPS) .- “Morocco has no desire to “resolve or even engage on the question of Western Sahara through a genuine negotiating process as called for by the security council”, highlited a report of the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) whose content was revealed on Wednesday June 17 by The Guardian.


AU calls UN to protect Western Sahara

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 Johannesburg, June 20, 2015 (SPS) - The 25th African Union summit has approved a decision in which the AU heads of state and government call the UN General Assembly to protect Western Sahara and keep its unity as the United Nations considers it a non-self-governing territory.


 The summit took this decision after it received the report of the AU Peace and Security Council on the situation of peace and security in Africa.


President of Republic calls UN to intervene for release of Salah Lebsir

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 Birlehlu (Liberated Zones), June 20, 2015 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, called on the United Nations to urgently intervene to free the Saharawi activist Salah Lebsir and all Saharawi political prisoners in Moroccan prisons.


Tekber Hedi suspends hunger strike due to health deterioration

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 Las Palmas (Canary Islands), June 20, 2015 (SPS) - Saharawi mother Tekber Hedi suspended Friday the unlimited hunger strike she waged since May 15, in front of the headquarters of the Moroccan Consulate in Las Palmas, Canary Islands.


She demanded an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the murder of her son Mohamed Lamine Haidala, 21, in February by Moroccan settlers in the occupied city of El Aaiun, according to Sahrawi human rights sources.  


Spanish NGO demands monitoring of human rights, celebration of self-determination referendum

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Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 20/06/205 (SPS) - The Spanish Commission for Aid to Refugee (CEAR) asked the UN to include "a mechanism for monitoring human rights" in the MINURSO mandate, to condemn "the violation of human rights by Morocco in the occupied territories of Western Sahara" and to support "the celebration of the referendum of self-determination claimed by the legitimate representatives of the Saharawi people", reported on Thusday the newspaper Canarias Semanal.


AU adopts decision of PSC on Western Sahara

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Johannesburg, June 19, 2015 (SPS) - The 25th Summit of Heads of State of the African Union, held in Johannesburg, has adopted the decision presented in the report of the Peace  and Security Council (PSC) on Western Sahara.


Below is the text of the decision:



Twenty-Fifth Ordinary Session

14 – 15 June 2015

Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA



President of Republic congratulates heads of Islamic countries on sacred month of Ramadan

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Birlehlou (Liberated Zones) June 19, 2015 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, sent congratulatory messages to heads of Islamic countries on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan.


The President of the Republic, on behalf of the Saharawi people and government, offered his special congratulations to the heads of Muslim states on this occasion.


Sahrawi delegation participating in 29th session of UN Human Rights Council exposes violqtions of human rights in occupied territories

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Geneva, June 19, 2015 (SPS) – The Sahrawi delegation participating in the 29th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, held in Geneva, Switzerland, from June 15 to 03 July, continue to expose the serious violations committed by the Moroccan State against Sahrawi defenders of human rights and civilians in the occupied parts of Western Sahara.


Thedeterioration of Takberhealth’ situation

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 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, June 18, 2015 (SPS)  -The deterioration of the health of the Saharawi citizen TakbarHaddi day after day. Tuesday was hospitalized for the fourth time, the second in the past two days, after having vomited and coughed up blood.


Ms. Haddiengaged in a hunger strike since May 15 to demand the clarification of the circumstances of the death of her son Mohamed LamineHaidala.


African Union calls UN to set date for self-determination referendum in Western Sahara

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JOHANNESBURG (South Africa) 18 June 2015 (SPS) -The Conference of the Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU) called on, in decision adopted on Monday at the AU summit in Johannesburg, the UN General Assembly to "set a date for holding the self-determination referendum of the people of Western Sahara and to protect its integrity."  


Messahel welcomes AU resolution calling for rapid settlement of Western Sahara conflict

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JOHANNESBURG (South Africa), June 18, 2015 (SPS) - Minister for Maghreb Affairs, the African Union and the Arab League, Abdelkader Messahel welcomed Monday in Johannesburg the resolution adopted by the African Union Heads of State and Government in which they stressed the need for international efforts for a rapid settlement of Western Sahara conflict.


A hundred tons of aid from Algerian Ulema Association to Sahrawi refugees

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Chahid El-hafed(Sahrawi refugee camps) June 18, 2015 (SPS) - One hundred tons of humanitarian aid, granted by the association of Algerian Muslim Ulemas for the Sahrawi refugees, arrived Tuesday in the Sahrawi refugee camps of Chahid Al-Hafedh.


This aid, which comes as part of the solidarity actions in anticipation of the month of Ramadhan and which is considered as the most important one granted by the Algerian Ulema association to Sahrawi refugees, was transported aboard five heavy-duty trucks.


EU Court to give verdict “in few months” on Sahrawi appeal against EU-Morocco agricultural agreement

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BIR-LEHLOU June 18, 2015 (SPS) –- The European Union Court examined Tuesday the appeal of the Polisario Front against the agricultural agreement concluded in 2000 between the European Union and Morocco, and the decision on this issue will be given in a few months, said a communiqué of the Sahrawi Information Ministry.


According to the communiqué, the hearing on this affair “was particularly intense during the hearing which lasted nine hours.


The affair was adjourned for further consultation and the verdict will be given in a few months.”

Western Sahara is still bleeding under the complicit silence of the UN and Spain

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Chahid El Hafed, 06/16/2015 (SPS) .- The mother of the martyr Mohamed Lamine Haddi has done yesterday a month of hunger strike in front of the Moroccan consulate in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria under the indifference of the UN. Her health is consumed slowly without any gesture of compassion comes from neither Rabat, nor Madrid, nor New York.

Sahrawi citizen assaulted by Moroccan forces in occupied city of El Aaiun

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El Aaiun (Occupied Territories), June 15, 2015 (SPS) – Sahrawi citizen Mohammed Jemei was subjected Sunday evening to a “blatant” assault by Moroccan forces of occupation in Essalam District in the occupied city of El Aaiun, according to sources on the scene.