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September 2011

Saudi Arabia provides 200 tons of dates for benefit of the Saharawi refugees

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Oran (Algeria), Sept 21, 2011 (SPS) - The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia gave Tuesday a humanitarian aid of 206 tons of dates for the benefit of the Saharawi refugees, the Saharawi Embassy in Algeria reported.

The caravan, which is supervised by the World Food Programme Representation in Algeria in coordination with the Algerian and Saharawi Red Crescent, has set up from the port of Oran in the presence of the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Algeria, Dr. Sami bin Abdullah Al-Saleh, and a representative of the Saudi Ministry of Finance.

Third European Conference of Towns supporting Western Sahara people in Italy

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Rome (Italy),September 20, 2011 (SPS) - The Tuscany region of Italy is holding, in Florence and Livorno, the third European Conference of Towns supporting Western Sahara people (September 24-26) to stress their right to self-determination, a source said Tuesday in Rome.


Representatives of cities are expected at this meeting from Italy, Europe and the world, along with the Saharawi refugee camps and associations of solidarity with the Saharawi people, in addition to a high-level Sahrawi government delegation led by Prime Minister Abdelkader Taleb Omar.

President of Republic receives the Saharawi participants in Madeira’s meeting on Hasania culture

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Shaheed Al Hafed (refugee camp) September 18, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front , Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, received Sunday the Saharawi participants in Madeira’s meeting on the Hasania culture, organized by the UN in the period between September 13 to 16 , 2011 in the presence of Saharawi participants from occupied territory and refugee camps .

Morocco does not recognize the work of UN in Western Sahara (Saharawi diplomat

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Rome, Sept 18, 2011 (SPS) - The Polisario Front Representative in Spain, Mr. Bashraya Bayun, has told the Italian newspaper, Meridiani Relazioni Internazionali, that Morocco “does not recognize the work of the United Nations, which confirmed in its resolutions on the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination.”

He added in this regard that Rabat does not want a referendum,” confirming that Morocco is the real obstacle along with Arabic governments and countries like France and Spain.

MEPs ask the EU Court to consider whether the fisheries agreement with Morocco respects international law

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Strasbourg (France), Sept 18, 2011 (SPS) - A group of European parliamentarians from different political groups, have signed a petition asking the EU Court of Justice in Luxembourg to rule on whether the EU fishing agreement with Morocco in the territory of Western Sahara respects the EU treaties and international law, Europe Agency Press dispatched Sunday.

At least 77 European parliamentarians and groups are intending to submit a lawsuit to the EU Court against the illegal EU fishing agreement with Morocco next October.

UN calls on Morocco to respect cultural rights of Saharawi people in occupied Western Sahara

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New York, Sept 18, 2011 (SPS) - The UN Independent Expert in the field of cultural rights, Ms. Farida Shaheed, has called on the Moroccan government to respect the cultural rights of the Saharawi people, condemning the restrictive measures have been taken against the promotion of the cultural heritage of the Sahrawis.

The UN expert had visited Morocco and Western Sahara in the period from September 5 to 6, 2011 to evaluate the efforts made by the Moroccan authorities in the path of promoting and protecting the cultural rights.

President of Timor-Leste reaffirms support to struggle of Saharawi people for freedom and independence

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Dili (East Timor), Sept 18, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Timor-Leste Republic, Mr. Ramos-Horta, has reaffirmed the support of his country to the struggle of the Saharawi people for freedom and independence, in a meeting with Mr. Malaainin Sadig, minister counselor to the SADR presidency and envoy of the Saharawi president, according to the SADR Embassy in Dili.

During the meeting, the Timorese president considered that the Saharawi Republic (SADR) “is reality and Morocco must deal with it realistically”

National Secretariat ratifies rules of procedure of Preparatory Committee for XIII Congress of Polisario Front

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Shaheed Al Hafed (refugee camps) Sept 18, 2011 (SPS) - The National Secretariat of the Polisario Front held Saturday an emergency session chaired by the President of the Republic, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, has allocated mainly to examine the rules of procedure’s document of the Preparatory Committee for XIII Congress of Polisario Front in application to the requirements of the basic law of the Polisario Front, particularly Article 46.

President of Republic oversees inaugurationof Secondary School in smara

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Smara(Saharawi refugee camps)September18,2011(SPS)-the President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario,Mohamed Abdelaziz, oversees on Saturday the inauguration in province of Smara the inauguration of   the secondary school of Simon Bolivar with presence of several members of the national secretariat  of the Polisario Front, members of the Government, Minister of education, Mariam Hmada and ambassador of Venezuela ,Cuba, Nigeriaand South Africa in addition to President of the Algerian committee of Solidarity with the Saharawi People, Mehrez Alammari.

SADR takes part on eighth conference of the AU Population Commission

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Addis Ababa, Sept 17, 2011 (SPS) - The Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic has took part on the eighth experts conference of the AU Population Commission held in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, on Sept 15-16, which was allocated to study the outcomes of the Commission work during two years.

Announcement of the opening of an embassy for the Saharawi Republic in Zimbabwe

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Harare, Sept 17, 2011 (SPS) - The opening of an embassy for the Saharawi Republic (SADR) in Zimbabwe officially announced on Thursday Sept 15, which stems from the historic relations existing between the two Saharawi and Zimbabwean brotherly peoples and which based on joint history of struggle against colonialism,” according to a statement of the SADR Embassy in Harare.

President of Zimbabwe affirms his country’s support to right of Saharawi people to self-determination and independence

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Harare, Sept 17, 2011 (SPS) - The President of Zimbabwe, Mr. Robert Gabriel Mugabe, has affirmed the firm support of his country to right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and independence, adding that this position “is consistent with the history of Zimbabwe in respect to the struggle for liberation, values of justice and rights of peoples to self-determination and freedom in accordance with the UN Charter and principles, during his reception to the credentials of the Saharawi ambassador to the Republic of Zimbabwe, Mr.

Moroccan occupation authorities prevent demonstration and suppress other in occupied city of El Aaiun

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El Aaiun (occupied territories) Sept 17, 2011 (SPS) - The Moroccan occupation authorities prevented Thursday a peaceful demonstration held in the occupied city of El Aaiun, reported the Ministry of the Occupied Territories and Communities Abroad.

The Saharawi demonstrators have prevented the access to the place of the protest due to the siege imposed by the Moroccan intelligence over the city, said the same source.

Special envoy of president of Republic received by president of East Timor

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Deli, September16, 2011(SPS) the  Minister counselor and   special envoy of President Mohamed Abdelaziz   ,Mr. Maulainin Sedik , received Thursday evening at the  capital of East Timor by the Nobel peace prize winner and  President of East Timor , Jose Ramos Aorta

The meeting focused on the latest developments of the Saharawi cause, the last informal negotiations between Polisario and Morocco, the serious situation of human rights in the occupied part the Saharawi Republic by Morocco and common interested issues, according to the Saharawi embassy in Deli.   

Conclusion of Third Cultural Week of Sahrawi Republic in Tindouf

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Tindouf (Algeria) September 15, 2011 (SPS) -  The activities of the Third Edition of the Cultural Week of the Sahrawi Republic (SADR) in the Algerian town of Tindouf concluded Thursday morning, which is supervised and  organized by  Algerian Ministry of Culture and the Wil

POLISARIO Front Representative received at the Danish Foreign Affairs Ministry

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Copenhagen, September 15, 2011 (SPS) - The Head of Section in the Department of North Africa and Middle East (MENA) in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Mrs. Anne Chouw received Wednesday the POLISARIO Front Representative in Denmark, Mr. Abba Malainin, according to a statement of the POLISARIO Front Representation in Denmark.


Republic of Ghana reaffirms its "firm" support to Saharawi people's struggle

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Accra, September 14, 2011(SPS) -The President of Ghana, John Atta Mills renewed the firm support of his country to the Saharawi people's struggle to freedom and independence, indicated Wednesday a statement of SADR embassy to Accra.

"This position is a part of the principles of our country in defending the peoples' struggle for freedom and independence, particularly in Africa" The President of Ghana said during the reception of Sahrawi new ambassador, Sidina Mahjoub,

Fretilin condemns persistence of Moroccan occupation in Western Sahara

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Dili, September 14, 2011 (SPS) - Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor (Fretilin) has condemned "the Moroccan policy in continuing its illegal occupation of Western Sahara, according to a statement concludes the 3rd Congress of the Front held September 08-11.

The party called for "immediate withdrawal of the Moroccan occupation from Western Sahara and the establishment of an international force to hold a referendum on self-determination which  allows the Saharawi people to freely choose their future"