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President Brahim Ghali arrives in Dili to participate in the 25th anniversary of self-determination referendum in Timor-Leste

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President Brahim Ghali arrives in Dili to participate in the 25th anniversary of self-determination referendum in Timor-Leste

Dili (Timor-Leste), August 29, 2024 (SPS) – The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mr. Brahim Ghali, arrived today, Thursday, in the capital of Timor-Leste, Dili, at the invitation of his counterpart, His Excellency Mr. José Ramos-Horta, to participate in the celebrations marking the 25th anniversary of the self-determination referendum of the country.

The President of the Republic was received, at Nicolau Lobato International Airport in the capital, Dili, by a number of officials of the East Timorese government, led by Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and senior officials from the ministry, where he received the honorary salute by unit of the Republican Guard and formations of the Ministry of Defense.

The people of East Timor commemorate the 25th anniversary of the popular consultation that took place on August 30, 1999, after the two parties, East Timor and Indonesia, accepted the United Nations plan to organize a referendum on self-determination, which led to the country's independence.

The celebrations commemorating the popular consultation in East Timor are expected to witness a number of events and activities, including high-level meetings and visits to a number of sites associated with the Timorese people's struggle for independence, to be concluded by the official event hosted by the Timorese parliament.

The Republic of Timor-Leste has had diplomatic relations with the Sahrawi Republic since 2002, where the Sahrawi embassy was officially opened in 2010, as an extension of the strong relations between the two peoples during the liberation war of Timor-Leste.

The President of the Republic is accompanied by Advisor to the Presidency, Mr. Abdati Breika, and Ambassador of the Sahrawi Republic to Timor-Leste Mr. Abba Malainin.

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