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Sahrawi News Agency: 25 years of service to Sahrawi people struggle

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Sahrawi News Agency: 25 years of service to Sahrawi people struggle

Shaheed El Hafed, March 29, 2024 (SPS) - The Saharawi News Agency, Sahara Press Service (SPS), celebrates today, Friday, its 25th anniversary since its establishment on 29 March 1999, at a time when the Sahrawi people and the world as a whole are facing major challenges, most notably the return to armed struggle and the return of the conflict to square one.

In addition to keeping up with these developments, the Sahrawi News Agency continues its struggle alongside the Sahrawi people to confront the conspiracies of the Moroccan occupation and its war against the Sahrawi people. The agency is committed to "credibility, responsibility, and professionalism" in order to deliver information to the recipient in a timely manner and to continue to expose the Moroccan regime's human rights abuses in Western Sahara and to denounce the Moroccan crimes committed against the heroic activists of the Intifada of Independence.

Like other Saharawi media, the Saharawi News Agency aims to promote national media work to keep pace with all developments, especially the great cause of the Sahrawi people, who are struggling to recover their inalienable right to self-determination and independence, and which the Moroccan occupier, with the complicity of some major Powers, continues to deny despite the recognition of this right by the international community and the African Union since the 60s of the last century.

The Saharawi News Agency has a significant role as an official reference for the Sahrawi people and their cadres in reporting the news, with a focus on the human element, which remains the true guarantee of any work, especially in the media field.

The news agency is determined to remain a school for refining talents, training cadres and a platform to expand the circle of sympathy and solidarity with the Sahrawi cause, as the ambassador of the Sahrawi Republic, the Polisario Front and the national cause adopted through the Internet.