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The Polisario Front condemns the policy of intransigence and escalation pursued by the Moroccan occupation state

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The Polisario Front condemns the policy of intransigence and escalation pursued by the Moroccan occupation state

Shaheed Al-Hafed, March 21, 2024 (SPS) - The Polisario Front clearly expressed its condemnation of the policy of intransigence and escalation pursued by the Moroccan occupation state in light of the silence of the international community.

The Polisario Front, in a statement after the meeting of the Permanent Bureau of the National Secretariat, expressed its condemnation of the policies of intransigence and escalation pursued by the Moroccan occupying state, especially after it undermined the ceasefire agreement between the Sahrawi and Moroccan armies.

The statement stressed the responsibility of the United Nations to protect Sahrawi citizens and their wealth and to expedite the enabling of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara, MINURSO, to carry out its mission.

It’s worth mentioning that the meeting received a presentation on the developments of the national issue on the African and European scene. It also reminded the Spanish state of its historical, legal and moral responsibility towards the decolonization of the last colony in Africa, and called on the European Union to comply with the requirements of international law, international humanitarian law and European law, by refraining from signing any agreement with the Kingdom of Morocco that affects the territory or airspace of the occupied Western Sahara or its territorial waters.