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Ministers Council emphasizes role of media institution, supporting it to achieve desired goal

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Ministers Council emphasizes role of media institution, supporting it to achieve desired goal

Shaheed Hafed, 29 January, 2024 (SPS) - The Council of Ministers affirmed the role of the Sahrawi media institution as one of the fronts of struggle, calling for providing it with the means and capabilities to establish a resilient media that keeps pace with modern developments.

In a statement issued after its meeting Sunday, chaired by the President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Brahim Ghali, the Council of Ministers emphasized the role of the media institution as an important front in the national struggle, calling for its reinforcement with qualified personnel, technical support, and overcoming any technical obstacles it may face.

On the other hand, the Council of Ministers discussed the political program based on joining, mobilizing, deepening the foundations of national unity, and countering the malicious enemy's plans to undermine the security and stability among the ranks of the Sahrawi people, and creating social phenomena, tensions, and disturbances.