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The Sahrawi civilian prisoners of the Gdeim Izik group go on a hunger strike in Moroccan prisons

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The Sahrawi civilian prisoners of the Gdeim Izik group go on a hunger strike in Moroccan prisons

Tiflet 2 (Morocco), November 29, 2023 (SPS) – The Sahrawi civilian prisoners of the Gdeim Izik group, in the Moroccan prisons of Tiflet 2, Kenitra, Ait Melloul 1, Ait Melloul 2, Bozkarne, and the local prison in Tantan, in southern Morocco, went on a 48-hour hunger strike on Wednesday and Thursday.

The Gdeim Izik group shows through this step solidarity and support with the Sahrawi civilian prisoner, Al-Hasan Mohamed Radi Al-Dah, who is subjected to cruel and humiliating forms of ill-treatment after the administration of the Central Prison in Kenitra isolated him in solitary confinement on November 23, 2023, for 20 days.

According to what the Association for the Protection of Sahrawi Prisoners reported, the Sahrawi civilian prisoners, the Gdeim Izik Group, condemned through their hunger strike all the retaliatory practices committed against their comrade, represented by psychological torture and the deprivation of human dignity, in addition to the prevention of basic and legitimate rights.

The warning hunger strike that the Sahrawi civilian prisoners, the Gdeim Izik group, announced for 48 hours coincides with the decision issued by the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (A/HRC/WGAD/2023/23), which called on the Moroccan state to release immediately the Gdeim Izik group, in addition to providing justice to them, holding those responsible for their illegal detention accountable, ensuring that they benefit from the necessary health care, and not subjecting them to any targeting or any human rights violations, in line with what is stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.