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Brazilian trade union calls on UN to work to end Moroccan occupation in Western Sahara

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Sao Paulo, 23 October 2023 (SPS) - The Brazilian Workers' Union (CUT) on Sunday called on the United Nations to work to end the Moroccan military occupation of Western Sahara and allow the Sahrawi people to exercise their right to self-determination.

During the 14th National Congress of this Brazilian trade union confederation, held between October 19th and 22nd under the theme "Struggle, Rights, and Democracy that Transform Lives," the CUT requested the UN to "work towards ending the Moroccan military occupation of Western Sahara and allowing the Sahrawi people to exercise their right to self-determination and independence."

In a declaration adopted at the end of the congress, the CUT expressed its " full support for the just and heroic struggle of the Sahrawi people for freedom, sovereignty and national independence, under the leadership of its sole and legitimate representative, the Polisario Front and the government of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR)".

Furthermore, the trade union confederation condemned and rejected "the serious human rights violations perpetrated by the Kingdom of Morocco against the Sahrawi civilian population" and demanded "the immediate implementation of a United Nations mechanism to monitor human rights" in the occupied Western Sahara.

The event was attended by some 2,500 participants, 150 personalities and 46 foreign delegations from 30 countries, according to the Polisario Front representation in Brazil.