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Sahrawi refugees: Algeria's UN mission in Geneva responds to three pro-Moroccan NGOs

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Geneva, Sept 29, 2021 (SPS) - The baseless allegations, spread by three pro-Moroccan NGOs at the Human Rights Council in Geneva about the Sahrawi refugee camps in Tindouf, are politically-motivated and they "deliberately conceal the reason that led Western Sahara people to flee their territory to seek refuge in Algeria," Algeria's mission to the United Nations Office in Geneva said.
"Nongovernmental organizations, lovers of sensations and publicity seekers at the level of our Council, have evoked, with a criminal lightness, the issue of refugees in the camps of Tindouf, deliberately concealing the reasons that led the Saharawi people to flee their territory to seek refuge in Algeria, making this situation the first longer to date, under the mandate of the High Commissioner for Refugees," the Algerian delegation said, at the general debate of the 48th session of the Human Rights Council, in reply to the lies of the three NGOs,
"These organizations, whose bias is so eloquent and which is reflected in the unspoken speeches of the speakers, show their political motives even for the less informed by attacking, with vehemence, the Frente POLISARIO, a movement recognized by United Nations as a liberation movement and which advocates the decolonization of the territory of Western Sahara in the Committee of 24 and other international fora," the Algerian delegation said.
"The insolence of these missionaries does not seem to have any limits," since Algeria is also "quoted for its hospitality, its solidarity, in short the humanity shown by the Algerian people to the Saharawi people."
"Such interest would have been respectable on their part if they were on the side of the victims, the voiceless and the persecuted, but they come forward at the instigation of their mentor to corrupt the debate on the issues that challenge our conscience," the delegation stressed.
In this respect , the Algerian delegation mentioned "the relevant UN documentation, the most recent of which was just released last week, under the current session of the General Assembly, to highlight who is the victim and who is the aggressor."SPS