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United States should no longer hold its annual military exercise in Morocco

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Washington, 23 July 2022 (SPS) - Republican Senator Jim Inhofe called on the Biden administration to find another venue for the annual U.S. military exercise "African Lion" that Morocco used to host, because of Rabat's "lack of willingness and seriousness" to resolve the Western Sahara issue.
"Morocco has shown no willingness or seriousness to resolve the Western Sahara issue," lamented Jim Inhofe in an intervention published on his Twitter account, adding: "The United States should find an alternative location to host its annual military exercise that takes place every year in Morocco.
The senator from Oklahoma also said he was "deeply concerned" by the fact that "the Sahrawi people are suffering from decades of broken promises from Morocco". He continued: the Moroccan occupier "did nothing to repair the damage done to the Sahrawis".
"After all these years, it has shown no willingness to resolve the Sahrawi conflict. On the contrary, Morocco has hindered efforts to find a mutually acceptable solution to the Western Sahara issue," he deplored.
Furthermore, Jim Inhofe said he was "pleased" that the candidates to lead the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) and the U.S. Special Operations Command (US SO Command) "have agreed to support" his assessment.