تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Polisario Front reiterates its rejection of any approach that deviates from UN-AU settlement plan

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Birlahlou (SADR), 16 October 2022 (SPS) -  President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Brahim Ghali, expressed the Sahrawi authorities' deep condemnation of the "complicit and unjustified silence" of the United Nations Secretariat and its reluctance to call things by their true names and to hold the Moroccan occupying state accountable for the consequences of its documented violation of the ceasefire, reiterating the Polisario Front's rejection of any approach that deviates from the United Nations-African Union settlement plan.
This came in a letter addressed by President Ghali to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, including the position of the Sahrawi party on several elements contained in Guterres' recent report on the situation with regard to Western Sahara.
In his letter, President Ghali made several observations and recommendations, including the issue of the return of war between the Polisario Front and Morocco following the Moroccan army’s violation of the ceasefire agreement, reminding the Organization of "the undeniable truth attested to by the rapid development of events on the ground and their concrete consequences, namely that it was the Moroccan occupying state that caused the collapse of the ceasefire," stressing "this is the plain truth and this is the reality of the situation, and there is no point in manipulating words on this subject," he said.
Mr. Ghali considered what he described as "quiet diplomacy and destructive ambiguity" as "dangerous tools, especially when inaction and indecisiveness in this case only encourage the aggressor to continue its aggression and defiance".
However, President Ghali adds, the Secretary-General and the UN Secretariat have once again chosen to remain silent on this fact, even when the report once again acknowledges the "resumption of hostilities" and stresses that "the continued lack of an effective ceasefire threatens the stability of the region with the risk of escalation as hostilities continue".