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Venezuela renews its firm support for the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination

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New York, June 14, 2022(SPS)-The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has reiterated its solidarity and firm support for the Saharawi people "in their struggle for the exercise of their inalienable right to self-determination, by virtue of what is established by international law and the Charter of the United Nations, and ratified in multiple resolutions of the Security Council, the General Assembly and the African Union.”
Ambassador Joaquín Pérez, Alternate Permanent Representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the United Nations during the Annual Session of the United Nations Special Committee to Examine the Situation Regarding the Application of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Countries and Colonial Towns (C-24), “Question of Western Sahara”, called for reactivating the political process in Western Sahara, through direct negotiations between the Frente POLISARIO and the Kingdom of Morocco, under the auspices of the United Nations.
The South American nation has expressed its support for the efforts of the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General, Staffan de Mistura, in the hope that he can promote the political process in order to reach, without further delay, a peaceful, just, lasting and mutually acceptable solution to This question.
The Delegate of POLISARIO to the UN and Coordinator with MINURSO, Ambassador Sidi Mohamed Omar, has asked the Special Committee on Decolonization to translate its commitment to decolonization into concrete actions and achieve the decolonization of Western Sahara, the last colony on the African continent. SPS