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Sahrawi Gdeim Izik group subject to unfair trial, international organizations say

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Rabat, June 16, 2017 (SPS) - The appeal proceedings of the Sahrawi political prisoners of Gdeim Izik group continued Thursday in Sale (Rabat) at a time when an international campaign is led to denounce the serious violations against the 24 political prisoners who are subject to an unfair trial.
The criminal chamber of the Court of Appeal of Sale resumed on June 5 the examination of the trial of these 24 political prisoners after four adjournments.
In a petition filed to several special reporters of the United Nations, the Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture (FIACAT), which denounced Wednesday the serious violations against the 24 Sahrawi political prisoners, underlined that the unfair trial which is currently taking place before the Court of Appeal of Rabat is characterized notably by the taking into consideration of confessions made under torture.
FIACAT underlined that the 24 defendants of Gdeim Izik were arrested, tortured and sentenced to heavy penalties on the basis of confessions made under torture because of their participation in a Sahrawi protest camp in 2010.
On Tuesday, the Association of Friendship with the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic said that the trial of the prisoners has taken a worrying turn with the pleading of the civil parties which want to add the charges of domestic terrorism. (SPS)