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SPLA carries out new attacks against positions of Moroccan occupiers in Haouza and Oum Drega sectors

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Birlahlou (Liberated Territories), 11 September 2022 (SPS) - Units of the Saharawi People's Liberation Army (SPLA) carried out new attacks against positions of the Moroccan occupying forces in the sectors of Haouza and Oum Adrega, indicated the Ministry of Defense in a communiqué.
SPLA units bombarded occupying forces in the areas of Arbib El Gaa, Argane, Legtitira and Fedra El Ouch in the sector of Haouza, noted the communiqué N 627.
The SPLA also bombedarded the entrenchments of the occupation forces in the area of Rous El Gaidia in the Oum Adrega sector.
Advanced SPLA units had targeted on Saturday Ahrichet Mirane sites and occupation bases in the area of Sebkhet El Aâkriche, Oudi Demrane and Agrarat El Farsik in the sectors of Smara and Mahbes.