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UN confirms continuation of military clashes in Western Sahara

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New York (United States), Nov 25TH, 2020 (SPS) -Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for the United Nations Secretary General confirmed on Tuesday the continuation of hostilities in Western Sahara, calling for the elimination of all obstacles to the resumption of the political process.
"We also continue to receive reports of sporadic gunfire, and this along the northern and eastern parts of the Moroccan sand wall," he told a press briefing, in the moment when Morocco continues to downplay the scale of clashes in El Guerguarat, southwest of Western Sahara.
Dujarric said that "these incidents took place mainly during the night," adding the United Nations Mission for the referendum of self-determination in Western Sahara (Minurso), is still present across the Sahrawi territory, including El Guerguerat.
"They (members of the mission) obviously continue to monitor the situation," he said.
"The Mission obviously continues to be in contact with all relevant stakeholders, and our message continues to make it clear that the parties must take all necessary measures to defuse tensions, eliminate all obstacles to the resumption of the political process," the spokesman of the UN chief added.
The war, which the occupying Moroccan state itself admitted to having started two weeks ago, has consequently made the entire territory of Western Sahara "an open war zone", declared the Polisario Front mission to the United Nations.
"So far, despite Moroccan attempts to downplay the gravity of the situation, intensive military clashes between the Sahrawi military and the Moroccan occupying forces continue along the illegal Moroccan military wall, which has already caused human and material losses,” affirmed the Polisario Front.
The Moroccan army, whose morale is at the lowest, according to military experts, has suffered numerous losses in equipment and human lives, according to the Sahrawi army.
The Moroccan armed forces carried out on November 13, 2020, in violation of the UN ceasefire, a military aggression against El Gurguerat where Sahrawi civilians were demonstrating peacefully to demand the final closure of the illegal breach created by Morocco on along the wall of sand.SPS