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President of Saharawi National Council makes visit to Balearic Islands

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Mallorca (Spanish Balearic Islands) April 30, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Saharawi National Council (SNC), Mr. Khatri Addouh, and a delegation accompanied him makes a working visit to the Spanish Islands of Balearic.

The president of SNC received Friday by the President of the Regional Parliament of the Balearic Islands, Ms. Aena Rado.

The meeting focused on the bilateral cooperation and ways of strengthen it, where the two sides emphasized on the necessity to intensify communications through the exchange of visits and increasing level of the common action
The Saharawi delegation briefed to the political class the latest developments on Saharawi cause, including the latest report of the UN Secretary General.

The President of the regional parliament of the Balearic Islands affirmed to defend the Saharawi people’s right, stressing need for working to publicize the just struggle of the Saharawi people through the media, saying “every one must make greater efforts in order not the Saharawi peoples’ rights go as a victim of forgetting.”

Mr. Addouh was also received at headquarters of the regional council of Balearic by its President, Ms. Sheena Santiago. During this meeting, Ms. Santiago insisted on the necessity to intensify the political and humanitarian support for the Saharawi people.

She expressed determination, as a member of the executive office of the Spanish Socialist Party, to deliver the concerns of the President of the Saharawi National Council to the Spanish central government.

In other hand, Mr. Khatri Addouh and the President of the Association of Families of the Saharawi Prisoners and Disappeared (AFAPREDESA), Mr. Abd Salam Omar, gave a seminar under the title “Western Sahara and human rights”, where they focused on the legal status of Western Sahara and the various UN resolutions that called for respect to the rights of the Saharawi people of self-determination.

Mr. Abd Salam Omar appealed for more mobilization and work to force Morocco to respect human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, including principle of self-determination. (SPS)