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Sahrawi refugees’ basic needs estimated at more than $26 million

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Algiers, June 8, 2011 (SPS –The Sahrawi refugees’ basic needs are estimated by UN High Commission for Refugees at more than $26 million, against more than $13 million allocated by donators, HCR Algeria representative Abdul Karim Ghoul said Wednesday Algiers.

Speaking at a briefing after a donor mission conducted April 2 to 6, in the Saharawi refugee camps, Mr. Ghoul considered the current financial resources intended for the Sahrawi refugees insufficient. He noted that the annual budget of UNHCR operations which was just over $ 2 million in 2007, was increased to more than $ 12 million in 2010 and to more than 13 million in 2011.

"However, he said, these financial resources can not yet meet all the needs of the refugees, because to do so, the estimates of these basic needs were calculated at more than 26 million dollars." He recalled that the visit of a UNHCR mission in the Saharawi refugee camps in 2009 had helped to attract more attention from the international community about the "forgotten" situation of these refugees.

Mr. Ghoul observed on this occasions that the assistance of the international community forms only a "complementary support" because, he said, "most of the humanitarian response to the needs of the refugee has been insured generously by the host country, "Algeria.

The director of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mohamed Lamine Bencherif, from his part, reiterated the availability of Algeria to facilitate the work of the mission of donors for more assistance to Sahrawi.
The representative of the Foreign Ministry stressed in this regard, the importance of mobilizing the necessary funds to ensure a more effective response to the needs of the Sahrawi people.

From his part, the representative of World Food Program (WFP) in Algeria, Mr. Osama Osman, noted that his organization has prolonged for four months the general food program of distribution for the Saharawi refugees, which was to close in December 2011.

"This extension takes into account the recommendations of a nutritional survey as well as received contributions," said Osman, who announced that a new program will start May 2012, whose nutrition activities "take more into account the prolonged situation of the refugees."

"This new program will be integrated into the next strategic framework of cooperation of three years which include all UN agencies," he added. He said in this connection the program will require the support and participation of all donors at all levels, to avoid failure to humanitarian assistance to the populations in the camps.

Ambassadors of a dozen countries, partners, UN agencies attended the briefing organized by representatives of WFP and UNHCR. This session was designed to share and exchange views on the results and findings of the mission of donors on the living conditions of the Saharawi refugees. (SPS)
