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Next round of negotiations between Frente Polisario and Morocco will discuss electoral corps and mechanisms for self-determination (UN statement

نشر في

United Nations (New York), July 16, 2011 (SPS) - The next round of preliminary negotiations between the Frente Polisario and Morocco, scheduled for 19 to 21 July, will discuss the issue of the electoral corps and mechanisms for self-determination,” according to the announcement issued Thursday by the UN.

“During the upcoming talks, the parties will, as previously agreed, further deepen their discussion of their respective proposals on a settlement, including the issue of the electoral corps and mechanisms for self-determination,” the statement asserted.

It added that the two parties to the conflict “will further discuss the new ideas put forward by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in a report issued earlier this year, and have the opportunity to review the status of confidence-building measures, continue their discussion on de-mining and engage in a preliminary examination of the topic of natural resources.”

The upcoming informal talks are taking place at the invitation of the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Western Sahara, Christopher Ross, and will also include representatives of the two neighboring States, Algeria and Mauritania, the same source indicated.

The last round of informal talks was held at the beginning of June, also in New York, was wrapped out without major progress.

Security Council requested in its resolution 1871 from both parties to the conflict, Frente Polisario and Morocco, to continue negotiations under the auspices of the UN Secretary General "without preconditions and in good faith" in order to reach "a just, lasting and mutually acceptable political solution," which would lead to the self-determination for the Saharawi people. (SPS)