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Khatri Addouh: UN remains committed to solution guaranteeing right to self-determination of people of Western Sahara

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United Nations, July 22, 2011 (SPS) - “The UN remains more than ever committed to a solution guaranteeing the right to self-determination of the people of Western Sahara, but Morocco is determined to continue to undermine the current efforts since Morocco is concerned by the results of any democratic consultation of the Saharawi people,” said Thursday Mr. Khatri Addouh, head of the negotiating delegation of the Polisario Front after the 8th informal meeting held from July 19 to 21, 2011 at Greentree (Manhasset).

“During this round the discussions were focused, essentially, as requested by the Security Council in resolution 1979, on the proposals of both parties and the ideas contained in paragraph 120 the report of the Secretary-General. In this context, particular emphasis was given to the question of the electorate and mechanisms of self-determination since, as stressed by the Secretary General the Saharawi people must be consulted about its future and that this consultation is a key element for any credible, lasting and just resolution of the conflict over the decolonization conflict of Western Sahara,” stated a communiqué reached Friday SPS convened by Khatri Addouh.

The deputy director of the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) made a presentation on his mission in Western Sahara for an action plan involving the cooperation of the parties to the demining of the territory that remains, unfortunately, one of the most infested with landmines. The theme of natural resources was also discussed as well as governance issues, without prejudice to final legal status of Western Sahara, he indicated.

“The situation of human rights in Western Sahara, free access to the territory for NGOs, the press and international observers have been raised by the delegation of the Frente Polisario, which called for the cessation of repression against the Sahrawi citizens defenseless and the release of all political prisoners in Moroccan jails,” he added.

The communiqué finally asked the international community to take all the necessary measures to protect and implement the principles of legality and justice in Western Sahara.

Western Sahara, formerly Spanish colony, is the last colony in Africa. It has been registered by the United Nations in the list of the non-self-governing territories since 1963. (SPS)