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Resolution of UN 4th Committee is an encouraging step towards the acceleration of decolonization of Western Sahara (Saharawi minister

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United Nations (New York) - The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mohamed Salem Ould Salek, asserted that the resolution adopted by the UN Fourth Committee on Western Sahara is “an encouraging step towards the acceleration of the decolonization in Western Sahara, despite the obstacles set by Morocco.”

In a statement to the press following the conclusion of the UN Decolonization Committee’s deliberations, the Minister stated that the 193 Member States of the UN represented at the Fourth Committee of the General Assembly, unanimously reaffirmed the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and on the UN responsibility towards the decolonization from Western Sahara, which illegally occupied by Morocco.

He considered in this regard that this resolution “is a valuable encouragement to the commendable efforts undertaken by the United Nations to accelerate the decolonization of Western Sahara, despite the obstacles set by Morocco.”

The Saharawi official underlined that the discussions took place at the General Assembly’s Fourth Committee which was attended by many states, regional groups and representatives of the international civil society “have shown that the recovery of the Saharawi People’s freedom, sovereignty and meeting their full rights constitutes the inevitable road towards peace, stability and reconciliation in the north west of Africa.”

The Saharawi government and Polisario Front appealed to the UN Secretary General and its personal envoy, Christopher Ross, “for accelerating the path of the ongoing negotiations aiming to enable the Saharawi people to exercise their right to self-determination and independence.”

Head of the Saharawi diplomacy confirmed that the government of SADR and Polisario Front “would like to take this opportunity to urgently call on the Moroccan government, on behalf of the interests of all peoples of the region, to put an end to its crimes against the Saharawi people.”

“We reaffirmed determination of our people to continue their struggle until recovering their firm right of self-determination and independence.” added Mr. Ould Salek.

It should be recalled that the Committee has adopted a resolution supporting the course of the negotiations initiated on the basis of the Security Council resolutions in order to reach “a just, lasting and mutually acceptable political solution providing for the self-determination of the Western Sahara people.”

The resolution will be submitted to the UN General Assembly next November or December. (SPS)
