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African Parliament approves resolution calling on AU states to sanction Morocco

نشر في

Midrand (South Africa), Oct 15, 2011 (SPS) - The Legislative Organ of the African Union, Pan African Parliament (PAP), has called on the AU Member States and international community to impose economic sanctions on Morocco in order to comply with the international resolutions calling for the self-determination of the Saharawi people, during the conclusion of its fifth session of the second term held from Oct 3 to 14, 2011.

The PAP unanimously ratified, in the presence of the most PAP members and EU Chairman Miguel Ángel Moratinosa, resolution supporting the just struggle of the Saharawi people and calling on the EU and international community to impose economic sanction on the Moroccan regime.

The EU legislative organ demanded that the Security Council protect human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara and relieve the humanitarian situation of the defenseless Saharawis, which resulted in displacement, asylum and length of suffering.

The resolution called on the African Parliament and all African countries to firmly stand with the Saharawi people, appreciating the high-quality efforts of the Algerian government and people towards the Saharawi people for 36 years. (SPS)
