تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

PP supports a solution to Saharawi cause in accordance with international legitimacy

نشر في

Madrid, Dec 25, 2011 (SPS) - The Spanish Popular Party (PP), ruling party, confirmed that it supports the course of negotiations between Morocco and the Frente Polisario in order to reach a solution in conformity with the Security Council resolutions that guarantee right of the Saharawi people to self-determination.

The party, which won the recent legislative election in Spain, declared “concerning the Western Sahara cause, we support the negotiations course between the two sides under the aegis of UN to reach a resolution in accordance with the resolutions of Security Council, international law and Spain’s historical responsibilities.”

In relevant context, participants of the 13th congress of the Polisario Front called on the Spanish state to put an end to the Sahrawi people’s suffering, and to effectively contributes to complete the decolonization of Western Sahara, by which Spain remains “Politically, legally, and morally responsible.”

The Sahrawi cause achieved remarkable success during last weeks on the diplomatic level, through the EU Parliament’s rejection to extend the fisheries agreement with Morocco and the US Congress decision to link the military assistance for Morocco to the respect of human rights in Western Sahara.

The president of SADR asserted on his comment on these two decisions, which were described by the Saharawi people as “historic”, that they will have “positive results” on the Sahrawi cause.

“These two decisions taken by important foundations on the international level are considered as a warning to the Kingdom of Morocco in order to recall that what it does in occupied Western Sahara is contrary to the international legitimacy,” said the president of SADR. (SPS)
