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Absence of a solution has imposed growing risks and costs for the parties, the Maghreb region, and international community (Christopher Ross

نشر في

United Nations, Jan 30, 2012 (SPS) - The UN Secretary-General’s Personal Envoy for Western Sahara, Mr. Christopher Ross, has noted that the absence of a solution in Western Sahara “has imposed growing risks and costs for the parties, the Maghreb region and for international community.”

Mr. Ross confirmed, in an interview with the UN News Centre, that the risks for the parties “include the possible renewal of military hostilities and the possible outbreak of popular unrest.”

He underlined that the continuation of the Saharawi issue hinders benefits of greater economic integration between countries of the Maghreb, adding that the absence of full coordination between neighboring states will have an impact in responding to threats of terrorism and crime which, in fact, have grown since the collapse of Muammar al-Qadhafi regime and the dispersal of arms and fighters into the Sahel region.

Responding to a question on what the international community can do to help out, the UN Envoy stated “there are things to be said not only to the parties but to the countries in the neighbourhood and to the international community,” expressing hope that States of the Maghreb and the wider international community will see more clearly than ever the benefits for all parties concerned of actively helping to find a mutually acceptable solution.

On other hand, he hoped hope that the people of Western Sahara, whether they be in the territory or in the refugee camps, “will enjoy full human rights, including the freedom to express their views on their future and that the negotiators will take these views into account.” (SPS)
