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CEAS-Sahara urges Madrid to act in favour of the decolonization of Western Sahara

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Madrid, April 16, 2012 (SPS) - The Coordination of the Spanish Associations of solidarity with the Saharawi people (CEAS-Sahara) has called on Madrid Government to live up to its commitments for enabling the Saharawi people to exercise their right to self-determination, in a communiqué concluded its sixth session held Saturday and Sunday in the Province of Zamora.

CEAS-Sahara appealed to the Government of Spanish Popular Party, led by Mr. Mariano Rajoy, to adhere to its prior pledges as an administrative power of Western Sahara.

The communiqué called for enabling the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) the access to monitor human rights situation in the Saharawi occupied territories, asking the national, regional and local institutions of Spain to “conjure up the legal, moral and historic responsibility of Spain towards the Saharawi people.”

It also demanded that Spanish Government includes the Saharawi cause within its strategic priorities in the field of international cooperation.

The meeting was attended by the Saharawi Representative to Spain, Mr. Bashraya Bayun, President of CEAS-Sahara, Mr. José Taboada Valdés, and representatives of the Coordination in all provinces.

The meeting allocated to assess the solidarity action during the past year and what should be done in the light of the expected merits.

Speaking in the meeting, Mr. Bashraya Bayun gave general review about the latest developments in the question of Western Sahara and the situation in the refugee camps and occupied territories, confirming that the Saharawi cause “concerns all Spaniards, without exception, and the responsibility of Spain will remains until a final solution to the conflict being reached.”

From his part, Mayor of Zamora expressed determination of the Province’s civil society bodies to continue supporting the Saharawi cause, as they did in the previous phases. (SPS)
