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Croatian Deputies voice support to just cause of Saharawi people

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Zagreb (Croatia), April 20, 2012 (SPS) - Croatian Parliamentarians expressed Friday their support and solidarity with the legitimate claims of the Saharawi people to self-determination “through a just and democratic referendum,” during a meeting held in Zagreb, capital of Croatia, with POLISARIO Representative to Balkan, Mr. Malainin Mohamed Bagada, informed a statement of the POLISARIO Representation to Balkan.

The Saharawi Diplomat informed his interlocutors about the history of struggle waged by the Saharawi people. He also pointed to the constant violations of human rights and the illegal exploitation of Saharawi natural resources by Morocco, in addition to the peace process.

In a meeting with Mr. Valter BoljuncicIt, chairman of Croatian Parliament’s Committee of education, science and culture and member of the Istrian Democratic Assembly, the Saharawi Diplomat indicated to the negative role of France in the conflict, which has consistently vetoed in the Security Council against adding the component of monitoring and reporting about the violation of human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara to MINURSO mandate.

“MINURSO is the only UN mission in the world that has no such function,” said Malainin Mohamed Bagad, adding that this “encourages Morocco to continue its rebellion by refusing to meet its commitments with the United Nations.”

Saharawi Representative received at headquarters of Croatian Labour Party by Mr. Tihomir Popovic, Party’s Director of International Relations. The meeting focused on the latest developments on the Saharawi cause including the situation in occupied Western Sahara, recent round of negotiations between Frente Polisario and Morocco and the last report of the UN Secretary General on Western Sahara.

The Croatian Official confirmed his party’s support to the struggle of the Saharawi people to self-determination and independence, expressing readiness to contribute in raising awareness about Saharawis struggle at the level of Croatia.

In relevant context, the Saharawi Diplomat received by the Croatian deputies: Mr. Igor Kolman, member of Parliament’s Foreign Relations Committee and People’s Party (HNS), and Mr. Semper Zeljko, Pensioners Party (HSU). (SPS)
