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Argentinean personalities send a letter to Security Council calling for protection of human rights in Western Sahara

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Buenos Aires, April 22, 2012 (SPS) - A group of human rights and political personalities from Argentina has called on the Security Council to expand mandates of MINURSO (United Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara) to include the monitoring and protection of human rights in Western Sahara, in a letter sent to U.S. Permanent Representative to the UN and current President of Security Council, Ms. Susan Rice.

The letter, signed by signature of 9 personalities including Nobel Peace Prize laureates and president of Human Rights Association, expressed “deep concern” on failure of the UN to enable the people of Western Sahara, last colony in Africa, this right through a self-determination referendum which endorsed and committed by the UN Organization and approved by the two partied in 1991, highlighting what serious consequences might influence the security, peace and stability in the world.

The personalities strongly condemned the gross and systematic violations of human rights committed by Morocco on the Saharawi civilians in the occupied Western Sahara, as documented and deplored by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and several international organizations.

They also urged Ms. Rice, and through it the Security Council, to add the component of monitoring and protection of human rights inWestern Sahara to the ahead mandate of MINURSO, to set up a UN mechanism to protect the Saharawis in the territories occupied illegally by Morocco and to take the necessary measures to allow for the holding of the self-determination referendum of the Saharawi people.

On other hand, Argentinean MP Julia Argentina Perie has expressed, in a meeting with Saharawi delegation comprises Secretary General of Woman Union and Ambassador to Argentina, support to the Saharawi cause. (SPS)
