تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Saharawi President felicitates Algerian counterpart on success of legislative elections

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Bir Lehlou (liberated territories), May 12, 2012 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, has felicitated his counterpart of Algeria, Mr. Abdelaziz Bouteflika, on the success of the legislative elections that took place on Thursday, in a letter reached SPS.

The Saharawi President expressed, in his own name and in name of the people and government of the Saharawi Republic, highest words of congratulations to the President Bouteflika and through him to the brotherly Algerian people, on the occasion of the success of this great Algerian national merit.

“Algeria once again raises the challenge, overcomes the exam and brings a high-level example of the democratic practice to the whole world, by organizing a multi-party election which took place in the circumstances of transparency, freedom and responsibility,” wrote President Mohamed Abdelaziz.

Secretary General of POLISARIO expressed his belief in the Algerian people will in making history, saying, “The high rate of popular participation has reflected the will of the people of Algeria to succeed a momentous station in its modern history. This is not stranger for a people who gave birth to the November First Revolution, the people of one and a half million martyrs, who defeated the most powerful colonial powers, gained their independence by an enormous sacrifices, overcame the black decade, in spite of enemies, and entered, with confidence and competence, in the stage of major reforms in all fields; political, economic and social.”

“As you were pioneers in the fields of Jihad (struggle) for the liberation of Algeria until independence, the history decided that you are pioneers in the course of laying the foundations for reconciliation, peace, development and comprehensive reforms after independence,” added SADR President.

He finally reiterated his confidence that the great people of Algeria, and through this conscious response and responsibility to the call of national duty, “will continue to embody their democratic options in the construction of Algeria of pride and dignity.” (SPS)
