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SG of UESASRIO meets Cuban officials

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Havana, May 16, 2012 (SPS) - Member of National Secretariat, Secretary General of Saharawi student’s Union, Ahmed Lehbib held meeting on Tuesday with Director of North Africa and Middle East at Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs a long with his assistants, according to statement of UESARIO.

During the meeting which took place at the headquarters of Communist Party in Havana, The Cuban official reaffirmed his country’s firm position towards the struggle of the Saharawi people and all just causes.

For his part, Secretary General of UESARIO valued “the leading rule and commitment of Republic of Cuba in supporting the Saharawi cause, in various domains particularly the education”,.


“The Saharawi graduates from Cuban institutions has effectively contributed in the construction of our country, and they continue to carry out this noble mission” said Ahmed Lehbib.

It is worth noting that Secretary General of Saharawi student’s Union began last a working visit to Cuba.

The visit comes as a part of strategy to strengthen the UESARIO branches in abroad as well as seeking ways to promote the conditions of Saharawi students in Cuba. (SPS)