تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

UN should assume its responsibilities in implementing its resolutions, says Khatri Addouh

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February 27th School (Refugee Camps), June 19, 2012 (SPS) -The President of the National Council (Parliament), Khatri Addouh, has urged the United Nations to assume its responsibilities in implementing its decisions, especially those relating to Saharawi people’s right to self-determination.


"Saharawi people has made an important advance in the struggle that has allowed to impose their right to self-determination", the President of the National council  said in a statement on the eve of the international conference on Sahrawi children’s rights, to be held in February 27th School.


Member of National Secretariat of Polisario Front stressed UN’s responsibility in implementing the relevant resolutions issued by its bodies.


“The international conference on Sahrawi children’s rights is "special and of paramount importance" as it is taking place in a context marked by Saharawi people’s success to impose, through a fair and legitimate fight, their right to self-determination and independence”, he said.


Khatri Addouh met a delegation made up of members of the National Commission for Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (CNCPPDH), MPs, civil society representatives and journalists.(SPS)
