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Polisario Front delegation attends congress of South African Communist Party

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Johannesburg (South Africa), July 15, 2012 (SPS) - A delegation of the Polisario Front is attending these days the 13th congress of the South Africa Communist Party (SACP), taking place from 11 to 15 current July in the city of Durban.

The delegation is led by the State Minister, Mr. Bachir Mustapha Sayad, and includes Mr. Sleiha Al-Abd, the Ambassador to South Africa, and Mr. Ouali Mousa, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The delegation was received when arriving by the Secretary General of the Communist Party and Minister of Higher Education and Training, Mr. Blade Nzimande, along with members of the Party’s central committee.

The Congress was opened by a speech of the South African President Mr. Jacob Zuma, and was attended by delegations from France, China, India, Sudan, Russia and Cuba, in addition to around 200 delegates.

The Party pointed out, in its final documents, to its firm position regarding the Saharawi cause, which stems from the historic relations existing between the Communist Party of South Africa and Polisario Front.

SACP is one of the historic components of the South African liberation struggle against Apartheid system. It is therefore a partner of a coalition along with the African National Congress (ANC). (SPS)
