تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Spanish deputies express satisfaction for release of European cooperators

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Madrid, July 21, 2012 (SPS) - Spanish deputies from the Parliamentary Group “Peace and Freedom for the Saharawi People” have expressed satisfaction for the release of the cooperators, Spanish and an Italian, kidnapped last October from the Saharawi refugee camps, according to the Spanish Press Agency (EFE).

The deputies appreciated the steps taken by the government of Spain in this regard and the tremendous efforts made to free the hostages, the same source added.

The Parliamentary Group newly formed in the House of Representatives included by representatives of seven political parties, highlighting that it decided during the meeting held on Friday to launch a periodic coordination process to support the Saharawi people.

Its first presidency was taken over by the Union for Democracy and Progress. (SPS)
