تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Roots of Western Sahara conflict, theme of study days in Aragon Province

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Madrid, July 22, 2012 (SPS) - The General Union of Spanish Workers has organized in collaboration with POLISATIO office, Spanish youth organization and Association of Saharawi community of Aragon a two-days of general debate on various aspects of the Saharawi cause, most notably the roots of Western Sahara conflict, informed POLISARIO Office in Zaragoza.

The topic of armed struggle in Saguia El-Hamra and Oued Ed-Dahab and latest developments on the Saharawi question took large portion of the study days.

An exhibition that included pictures showing history of the Saharawi people and traditional industry which significantly contributed to make the attendance be aware of the Saharawi cause.

This political and cultural initiative received approbation from the attendance, who expressed solidarity and sympathy with the Saharawi people.

The study days were attended by Dahan Abdelfatah, from the POLISARIO office in Aragon, Willay Toledo, Spanish actor, in addition to audience from several Spanish provinces. (SPS)
