تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Polisario Front and Morocco held the third meeting of evaluation of Confidence building programme

نشر في

Geneva, Spt 20, 2012 (SPS). - The third meeting to evaluate confidence-building programme between the Polisario Front and Morocco was held Wednesday in Geneva, in the presence of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR, and with the participation of delegations from both sides in the conflict and the two observer countries, Algeria and Mauritania, as well as a delegation from the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara, MINURSO.


Speaking at the opening of this meeting, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres said that "there is no humanitarian solution to a political problem."


Guterres highlighted the results of the exchange visits, seminars and encouraged the parties to continue their support for UNHCR to implement the program of confidence-building measures in its entirety, calling for "an awareness by all means of the donors to continue this humanitarian programme. "


During the meeting, both parties to the conflict and the two observer countries expressed satisfaction with the success of the workshop held in July 2012 in the Azores Islands (Portuga) on "the role of Saharawi women" and agreed to organize, in early 2013 in Portugal, another seminar on "tent in Saharawi culture."


In regard communication via email and phone, UNHCR reported that it will send before the next meeting, a team to investigate the possibilities of using the Internet as a communication between Saharawi families separated for more than three decades.



During the meeting, the Saharawi delegation raised the obstacles imposed by Morocco to the UNHCR in the occupied territories that impede the proper implementation of the measures agreed in the action plan.


In this context, the delegation  headed by the Coordinator with MINURSO Mr. Khadad, requested the removal of these obstacles including deprivation of certain people of their right to visit as well as harassment and provocations during entry and exit from the territory.


The participants also decided to hold the next meeting of assessment during  July 2013 in Geneva. (SPS)
