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Front Line: Saharawis live under daily humiliation and fear

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Dublin (Ireland), Sept 22, 2012 (SPS) - Front Line has pointed out, in a news-story published at its website, that the Saharawi people live under a daily humiliation and fear in occupied Western Sahara, documenting testimonies by the Saharawi activist Soukeina Jeddahlou on the human rights abuses.

The Organization said that Sukeina Jeddahlou “was quite badly injured- bloodied and bruised. There seem to be some internal injuries according to a scan taken,” following her participation at a peaceful demonstration coinciding with visit of RFK Centre delegation on last August 24.

“We have spent 2 days listening to the stories of daily humiliation and fear the Sahrawis live under,” said Mary Lawlor, Director of Front Line Defenders, who part of RFK Centre delegation.

Mrs. Lawlor indicated that beatings are part of what the Saharawi people expect at demonstrations, adding that the human rights defenders have countless cases they have documented and as a result are regarded as an enemy of the state
The Saharawis are hugely courageous given the total disregard the Moroccan Government show to their legitimate non violent work in accordance with the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders - to which Morocco espouses to be a party, underlined Front Line.

Following a visit to occupied Western Sahara and refugee camps to assess human rights situations last month, the Robert F. Kennedy Centre for Justice and Human Rights issued a preliminary report revealing irrefutable facts about the miserable condition of human rights in occupied Western Sahara and suffering of the Saharawi refugees. (SPS)
