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Graduation of Sahrawi first aid assistants in Algiers

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Algiers, Sept 23, 2012 (SPS) - The President of the Sahrawi Red Cross (SRC) Mr. Bouhabaini Yahia, has supervised the graduation of a new group of Saharawi first aid assistants, in the presence of representatives of the Algerian Red Crescent and Spanish Red Cross, according to a source of SRC.

The group has underwent, in collaboration with the Algerian Red Crescent and Spanish Red Cross, a special training on first aid action.

In his speech during the graduation ceremony, Mr. Bouhabaini Yahia praised the great work has been made by group during the training period, calling them to continue their great job and to possess the humanitarian spirit that characterized first aid assistants.

This graduation is a part of a strategy launched by the Sahrawi Red Crescent to establish a first aid section, as to activate its role in the humanitarian field, according to the same source. (SPS)
