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European Commissioner Štefan Füle demands credibility by Morocco in dealings with EU institutions

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Brussels, March 22, 2013 (SPS) - The European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy Mr. Štefan Füle has asked Morocco to show “more credibility” in its relations with the European institutions, in the wake of the recent expulsion and prevention of four MEPs from entering to the occupied territories of Western Sahara, during the presentation by European Commission of the latest reports on the neighbourhood policy with Morocco, as published by the Moroccan media sources.

During his presentation before EU Parliament, Mr. Füle was questioned about the expulsion recently of four members of the European Parliament, who are in favour of the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination.

He went on saying that in the context of the “very good” relations between the EU and Morocco, authorities of that country (Morocco) “should be more credible in its contacts with the European institutions, and should not be there taboos in our relations with Morocco.”

“This country must refrain from imposing barriers to the people to going and coming to it, both from the European parliament or from any other European institution which wants to investigate in any mission in Morocco,” added EU Commissioner Mr. Füle. (SPS)
