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Western Sahara: "International community should not shirk their responsibilities," says Sahli

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AL-AYUN (Sahrawi refugee camp),May 10, 2013 (SPS)- Algerian Secretary of State for National Community Abroad Belkacem Sahli said Friday in Al Ayun Camp that  “The international community should not shirk their responsibilities regarding Western Sahara and should redress the long-standing injustice”"


"It's high time to assess the decolonization of Africa, gained at great cost, but still unfinished in Western Sahara, where the Sahrawi people are still deprived of their fundamental rights. The international community should therefore combine efforts to redress this long-standing injustice," Sahli said on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the creation of Polisario Front.


Sahli underlined that the human rights abuses in Western Sahara "are another cause for concern to the international community, as showed the recent debate at the UN Security Council."


The Security Council adopted the Resolution 2099 on Western Sahara on 25 April, reiterating call for "a just, lasting and mutually acceptable solution, which will insure the self-determination of the people of Western Sahara.


Sahli also said that Algeria regrets "absence of any progress" in the negotiation process launched several years ago between Morocco and Polisario Front under the aegis of the UN to find a solution to the conflict, adding that Algeria reiterates support to the efforts of the UN Secretary General's Special Envoy Christopher Ross, aiming at helping the two parties to reach a solution that provides for the self-determination of Sahrawi people.


He also underlined that Algeria expressed "satisfaction" at the position adopted by the 20thAfrican Union Summit last January "reaffirming Africa's commitment to seeking a solution to the conflict and allow the people of Western Sahara to exercise their right to self-determination.(SPS)
