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Woodcraft Folk approves emergency motion on Western Sahara

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UK, May 18, 2013 (SPS) - The UK-based movement “Woodcraft Folk” has approved unanimously, during its annual gathering, an emergency motion on Western Sahara, in which it reaffirmed its solidarity with the Saharawi people in their struggle for self determination and freedom, informed to POLISARIO Representation to the UK.

“This Annual Gathering reaffirms the solidarity of Woodcraft Folk with the Saharawi people in their struggle for self determination and freedom from detention and torture for seeking what is their right by international law,” stated the motion.

The UK Movement went on saying that it is “appalled at the brutal repression of the occupying Moroccan state meted out to young Saharawis in the occupied territory and the recent imprisonment of 24 Saharawis following military trial and torture.”

It, therefore, expressed resolve to extend its historic links with young people in the Saharawi refugees camps and strive to find imaginative ways of exchange, links, and support, and to inform the membership, groups and districts about the plight of Saharawi refugees since 1975.

Woodcraft Folk is a UK-based educational movement for children and young people. It was founded in 1925 in the aim to educate and empower young people to be able to participate actively in society, improving their lives through active citizenship. (SPS)
